Your Mental Health To Do List
May 03, 2023
There is no doubt that Mental Health Awareness is part of my soul’s path and purpose in this lifetime. Mental Health has been a consistent thread throughout my lifetime both through my own experiences and also helping families and children access mental health support through the education system. I would even go as far to say that Mental Health is part of my “required purpose”. This means it has shown up throughout my life in various ways, has taught me many lessons, and I have learned to accept it as part of my soul’s mission to bring awareness and acceptance to the world. The obstacles I have faced have allowed me to build empathy for others and provide advocacy and support. These tips are for you to implement not only during mental health awareness month, but ALL year long to stay proactive about your mental health.
Here are the Top 6 Tips to add to your Mental Health to do list that you can start doing today.
✨ See a Mental Health Professional regularly: When do you stop seeing your therapist? To me, that is like asking when do you stop seeing a primary care physician. I talk about working with a therapist often and transparently because I know that the more we can discuss our relationship with our therapist and share with others, the more we can reduce the stigma around having a mental health therapist as part of our health care team. Whether you see one on your own, or with your partner, even a once a month routine can be so beneficial and supportive.
✨ Prioritize Self Love Routines: We must be intentional about our self love routines…DAILY. Especially if you love to give to others sooooo much that it becomes too easy to put your needs last. This will eventually lead to mental health issues and imbalance in your life. Your self love routine is something you should do daily and can include one or more of the following: taking walks, breathwork, meditation, quality time with your pets and loved ones, reading, epsom salt baths, journaling, cleaning, eat nourishing food, massages, yoga or another form of exercise, gardening, doing something that you feel passionate about, cultivating a new interest. If you are struggling to fit your Self Love Routines into your schedule, you may need to also implement more boundaries! (See #4 😀)
✨ Ask for help: In addition to a mental health therapist, you should have a team of support that allows you to live in alignment with your dreams and purpose. If you are struggling to ask for help, there is probably another underlying reason why this is so difficult. Help can look like: a life coach, a functional medicine doctor (in addition to your primary care physician), a teacher or mentor, people who help you look and feel your best like a hair stylist or esthetician, a breathwork facilitator, joining a spiritual community or a support group, accountability partners, a massage therapist, a financial planner, a housekeeper, an assistant or secretary, your partner, your colleagues, meeting with a trusted friend or family member regularly,….to name a few. Humans crave connection and asking for help will allow you to feel supported in various areas of your life.
✨ Establish and Communicate Boundaries: Boundaries are not always easy and it takes a lot of awareness and practice to feel confident in speaking your truth and following through, especially if this was not modeled for you growing up. If you struggle with holding boundaries, I cannot stress enough how important working with a professional to learn healthy ways to set boundaries and making this priority in your life. Boundaries provide clarity, efficiency, freedom, health, and wellness in ALL areas of life! It takes practice and intention.
✨ Release Self Judgment: Releasing Judgment of your thoughts and emotions takes curiosity, awareness, and consistency. You will have huge transformations when you allow yourself to surrender to the messiness of life without judgment. Allow yourself to feel and take up space. Breathwork can be a great catalyst to help you release judgment.
✨ Explore and Express your Soul’s Purpose: Exploring and allowing your soul’s purpose to shine has so many health benefits. It prevents burnout, increases your life span, and raises the vibration of the entire planet. This is an essential part of a mental health routine and you can do this by working with a coach or seeking local workshops around purpose.
If you are wanting to further explore how you can use breathwork and explore your purpose as part of your mental health maintenance routine, I have the perfect experience for you. Book a Free Customization Call to find out which path is the best for you..
My programs DO NOT replace licensed therapy. If you feel you need help from a licensed therapist to heal trauma, anxiety, and depression, here is a resource for you to access: Link to Liscensed Therapist Directory
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